Episode 7: Musical Conspiracy Theories

The B-Sides crash-lands into the world of musical conspiracy theories. Did Avril Lavigne die in 2004? Is Jay-Z a vampire? Was Britney Spears a tool of the Bush administration? Why do conspiracy theories exist? Who are they here for, and who are they hurting?

For valiant attempts at answers to these questions and more, tune in to this week’s episode.

A-Sides: CGI Cats - 06:35

B-Sides: Conspiracy Theories - 15:02

U-Sides: Have you heard any conspiracy theories related to the pop music world? - 54:54

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And Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0KLSwKrVhgCwbIuIfTwRNS?si=MQCputEnROSjluLxe21h-g

Now here’s Billy Eichner interviewing Katy Perry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1sCW06dCyo


Episode 8: Literally WHAT is Pop Music?


Episode 6: What Lizzo Means in Tr*mp's America