Episode 2: Resistance Music

The B-Sides dives into the state of resistance music in pop culture. Are we all chained to the rhythm, or is there hope for us? What do we expect from our artists in an era that needs all hands on deck for the resistance? Are our expectations for resistance too high (sorry Fifth Harmony, you did not nail it) or too low (Taylor, where *were* you)? Does the resistance even need pop music?

Links referenced:

Billboard article about resistance music: https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/8030107/protest-music-trump-era

The B-Sides Letter #3 from early 2017: https://us14.campaign-archive.com/?u=8b3473bed77cfff96ccea4435&id=19fe7a9a65&e=13fa5c1d60


Episode 3: A Deep-Dive Into The History Of Music Videos


Episode 1: Seasons of Faves and Forever Faves