Episode 16: Music, Activism, and Accelerated Capitalism ft. Dan Baggarly

This week's episode is pure B-Sides: we're devoting the whole thing to an interview with a very special guest, Dan Baggarly of Philly-based bands Trash Boy and Little War.

Dan has been a versatile musician and progressive activist for most of his life, and the thoughts that spill from his brain are well worth your time and ours.

Together, we talk through questions like How do we align our music consumption with our politics? Accelerated capitalism's influence on the music industry is bad, no? What does it mean to care without giving in to despair? Should we be dunking on Spotify more often? Is indie pop a defined sub-genre? and Who will take the trash out when we're gone?

For more of Dan's music and thoughts: Check out any/all streaming apps under "Trash Boy" Facebook, Instagram, Twitter - @trashboyphilly & Littlewarhxc.bandcamp.com

And lastly, thank you for subscribing and leaving a review! Make sure to follow the B-Sides on Instagram: instagram.com/listentothebsides and join the Facebook group: bit.ly/bsidesfbgroup

You can find the B-Sides everywhere you find your podcasts! Including Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-b-sides/id1466173939 And Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0KLSwKrVhgCwbIuIfTwRNS?si=MQCputEnROSjluLxe21h-g


Episode 17: The Rise and Rise of Kesha


Episode 15: From Broadway to Beverly Hills